Sunday, March 24, 2013



Well, I imagine introductions are in order….

My name is Josh, and I believe that dreams are one of the most important aspects in a person’s life. I believe that not only having a dream, but actively pursuing it leads, impart, to a fulfilling life. My reason for creating this blog is twofold: I want to help others realize their dreams as well as accomplish mine.   My hope is that there are people out there that will benefit from what I have to say, and people out there that are willing to support not only my dreams but the dreams of others.

What you can expect from me….

If you haven’t guessed yet, this blog will have a lot to do with dreams, not only dreams but steps, advice, and methods than will empower you to chase your dreams and make them a reality. There will be posts on Self-Improvement, posts on Goal Setting, as well as posts highlighting people you embody what this blog is about. There will also be posts relevant to my dreams and the dreams that others have and share with me.

So what are my dreams?

Currently, the dreams that I am going after and trying to make a reality are these: I want to be able to reach and help a lot of people. I want to help people realize what is important in their lives and help them change their lives. I want to be a published author. I want to write something that others find value in.

I want this blog to be about you. And if time and space allows, this blog will be a little about me.

So what’s next?

Well, for me I will be building this blog. I plan on posting every day, or close to it.
If this is sounds like a blog you might be interested in, subscribe, share it, bookmark it, like our Facebook page, tell a friend about it, rejoice that such a blog exists, kiss a stranger, and high five a homeless person.  You can do all of that, or none of it, or just some of it.

Let's capture your dreams!

Also, I’m not perfect.  I’m not trying to be (that would be exhausting), so if you see an error in this blog or have a suggestion, comment, concern, thought, or anything let me know! I want to improve! That is kind of the point of this whole thing: for me to improve and to help others improve.

Facebook (New Window): Empowered Dreams

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